It's been a while since I've added anything new to my blog or my website, no excuses but I have been awfully busy recently. So, a quick catch up.
I went to Wimbledon for the very first time and loved it. I wore a charcoal maxi skirt from Topshop; a sheer and embroidered cream blouse from Miss Selfridge topped off with a very befitting boater hat - stylish and the perfect accessory for keeping the rain off my little face. Oh, and bumped into Nick Knowles. Yes, the presenter from DIY SOS. Uh huh.
I've done many other things by the way, garden party for the parent's silver wedding, catch-up with friends, baby shower etc. However, now, I'm looking to the future as in five weeks time I am heading off on my travels to South East Asia. It's a six-week trip - taking in Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and a few of Thailand's islands. Now, I've never been backpacking before and of course one of my major concerns is what the devil to take with me in terms of clothes? Shoes? Accessories? How the blazes am I to pack enough to survive for six weeks and yet fit it into one rucksack I must carry on my back like a fashionista-donkey.
It's time for some research, a lot of wardrobe perusal and strict list making. Hmmmm, I'll keep you informed on my progress.
In terms of the bigger fashion world and what's cooking up a storm, I'm going to be reviewing the current 'Lady-like' trend inspired by the Duchess of Cambridge and looking ahead into autumn trends.
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